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Bike Shops / Brand Stores
Bike Shops / Brand Stores
Florian from Cowboy avatar
Written by Florian from Cowboy
Updated over a week ago

What are the opening hours of your Brand Stores / Bike Shops?

If you would like to know the opening hours of our Brand Stores, you can always head to this page, and click on "View more".

If you are looking for the opening hours or contact details of our partner bike shops, then you can click here, scroll down to the partner in your area and simply send them an email or call them.

Can I buy a bike or accessories on the spot in the Brand Store?

We don't usually recommend to go to the Brand Store to order a bike or accessories, because there is often very low or no stock at all. In any case, if you prefer, you will be able to order your bike directly from the Brand Store with our sales experts on the spot, but note that the bike will be delivered to your house since it will come from our warehouse.

Can I buy a bike on the spot in the partner Bike Shops?

It is possible to buy a bike on the spot in many partner bike shops. You can find a list of our partner bike shops here. You can also find a map with all the current partner shops by clicking here.

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