What is the difference between the Cowboy 3 and the Cowboy Classic / Cowboy Cruiser / Cowboy Cruiser ST?
Feel free to visit our website here to learn all the differences between our bike models.
Here is also a very short list of the biggest differences between the Cowboy 3 and the Cowboy Classic / Cowboy Cruiser / Cowboy Cruiser ST:
The Cowboy Classic / Cowboy Cruiser / Cowboy Cruiser ST has a 50% higher torque, meaning that it can give stronger/more reactive assistance, which you will mostly feel when starting to pedal (once the red light turns green or simply when you start riding)
The Cowboy Classic, Cowboy Cruiser, and Cowboy Cruiser ST have an integrated cockpit. Thanks to a QuadLock phone case, you can attach your phone directly to your bike and charge it wirelessly if your phone has this feature.
The Cowboy Classic, Cowboy Cruiser, and Cowboy Cruiser ST are equipped with AdaptivePower, which provides the best gear-free riding experience.